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Snapped: Better Bath's Covid Secure Reopening

Bath’s biggest sport facility in Bath re-opens THIS SATURDAY (25 July) and TOTAL GUIDE TO BATH have had a sneak peek checking out all the Covi-19 updates and measures!

After over 17 weeks closed Better Extreme Bath also known as the Bath Sports and Leisure Centre re-opens its doors ready to welcome its members and users with strict social distancing and Covid compliant measures.

We were lucky enough to take a guided tour this morning with one of the Centre’s Manager Sam who shared with us all the updates. We were VERY impressed with how comprehensive all the measures were and how knowledgeable and organised the whole team were.

If you are thinking of visiting from Saturday, here is what you need to know:

  • All bookings are via the app or website. Time slots are staggered to ensure limited numbers through the building and numbers in each area. There is an IPad in the reception area if you have been unable to book. Staff are available to help.
  • You will only be able to take part in one activity each day.
  • There is a centre wide one-way system in place with 2 entrances, one for swim, gym and studio activities and one for the bowling and trampoline park. There are various other exits.
  • Some of the trampoline pieces are off limits (the foam pits) but this is open for 10 jumpers at any one time.
  • The bowling lanes and café will re-open at the earliest August 1st.
  • Gym changing rooms are closed, so please arrive ready to exercise. There are some lockers available but not many, please limit what you bring. There are chairs for bag drops poolside.
  • The water fountains can not be used, please bring your own water.
  • The hairdryers can not be used.
  • The class timetables have been changed and are limited although the gym teams are trying to cater for most needs and this can be viewed on the app or website which is where you must book. Classes are 40 minutes allowing for Covid
  • reminders before the classes and for participants to return and clean down equipment.
  • Studios have been marked out with either 2 x 3 metre spaces or 3 x 3 metre spaces.
  • Immediately after classes in studio one the one-way system will take you out of the building through the car park behind Bath Rugby.
  • The centre is employing triple-lock cleaning process where all equipment, areas and touch points will be first cleaned by staff, then by customers before and afterwards.
  • Studio two is now also part of the gym with equipment moved into this space.
  • All equipment has been stickered with either a tick or a cross to show what can be used and what cannot.
  • Customer facing staff will be wearing visors. All first aiders will wear extra face coverings if first aid administered.
  • Pool lanes are wider, with a small, medium and fast lane. Backstroke is not permitted. Chairs for use as bag drops instead of lockers. Swim cubicles cleaned after each use. Now all showers in use but clearly marked.
  • The sauna is out of use. Water fountains are out of use.
  • Hand sanitisers and cleaning station EVERYWHERE!! With clear signage and trained staff.

Check out our live Facebook tour for more.

Bath Sports and Leisure Centre

Bath Sports and Leisure Centre

Bath Sports and Leisure Centre offers a variety of quality fitness facilities and leisure activities to help you keep active and lead a healthy lifestyle.

North Parade Road, Bath, Somerset, BA2 4ET

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