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Thermae Bath Spa
The Hetling Pump Room, Hot Bath Street , Bath , BA1 1SJ
Website Email 01225 33 1234Peter Rollins, Director of Marketing & Communications, said: “Thermae has now been operating for over 13 years, during which time we have welcomed many thousands of visitors. Inevitably the buildings have taken their fair share of wear and tear. Our maintenance team does an amazing job all year round to ensure that everything is kept in good working order and a lot of unseen work takes place after we close and before we re-open in the morning. However, it has reached the stage that we have to replace some key plant and equipment which will necessitate the closure of Thermae Bath Spa for two weeks.
In order to cause the least disappointment to guests, we have deliberately scheduled this work for the first half of January which is our quietest time of the year.”
Thermae Bath Spa thanks local residents, businesses and visitors for their understanding during the refurbishment period and suggest that they check our website for future updates:
The Hetling Pump Room, Hot Bath Street , Bath , BA1 1SJ
Website Email 01225 33 1234In case you missed it see what’s in this section